Bible Study (2 Timothy)

2 Timothy 2:11

“This is a trustworthy saying: if we die with Him, we will also live with Him”

  • If you die and you had Jesus with you, then you will live with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. He also lives inside of you so you are a representative of Him.
  • If you let your sin die with Christ on the cross then you are reborn anew with the resurrected Christ, sins forgiven and forgotten.
  • Jesus has the ability to change your heart and its intent. Your dead spirit is reborn to a life with Christ.

“If we endure hardship, we will reign with Him.”

  • Many people ask why, if God is so loving, that there is suffering. Why do children suffer? Why do the innocent suffer?
  • Hardship brings perseverance and strength.
  • Enduring hardship with grace brings you closer to God because that is how His son lived and died.
  • The Lord has promised that we will inherit a piece of the Kingdom of God if we live, and die with Christ.
  • He also promises that He is going through it with us, that He is always with us. He also knows what it’s like to suffer because He sent the Word, a piece of Himself down here as penance for our sins. Jesus suffered here just like we do. This is a comforting thought to know that God knows exactly how we feel when we suffer.

“If we deny Him, He will deny us.”

  • It is worse to walk away from the being who created us, has all authority over the universe, and lets us continue breathing even after blaspheming His name.
  • If we turn from the light (God) then we are choosing to walk towards darkness.
  • He will walk away if you walk away from Him. That doesn’t mean that you have no chance to repent and sincerely repair the relationship, but walking away from Him after pledging your faith is breaking trust just like with anyone else.

“If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is.”

  • Jesus is undeniably faithful, loving, graceful, and righteous.
  • He always stands with His people.
  • Even when we slip up and fail to show our faith, He will not fail to show His.

Humans are inherently sinful, drawn toward breaking the laws of the Father. Only one person was not like that, and only one had the ability to be that for us: Jesus Christ. He lived without sin and died in an act of innocent sacrifice so that we have a chance at redemption. He loves us and has remained faithful even after we turn our backs on Him. I know I have and I’m positive that we all have done it at one point or another.

His forgiveness knows no bounds, He only asks for your sincere love. Like a father who loves his own children, Christ wants us to love Him back. God wants us to love Him, all three parts of Him.

We can become cleaner in the name of Jesus Christ. He lives within us, and with Him in us we have a chance to have out natures revived. He can send the Holy Spirit to resurrect our dead spirits. When Adam ate the fruit of knowledge, all of our spirits died just as God said would happen, and through the second Adam (Jesus) He resurrected our spirits with His own. He is always more faithful than we are, as He is perfect. The Word is perfect. He is merciful towards those willing to be humble and surrender to Him.

Thanks for reading my first bible study post! I’m very new to this blogging thing so I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments. God bless all of you readers!